The Doula Difference: support people

It’s officially fall… and the perfect time to sit down with a cup of pumpkin spice tea and chat a little about the difference a doula makes for partners and other support people.

Did you know, a doula’s goal is to support not just her client, but the other members of her client’s labour support team as well? Whether this is a partner, friend, or family member, a doula will work to ensure that each person around her client feels supported in whatever role they choose to assume. In turn, this often means that these important people in the client’s life find themselves better able to support their loved one - and more satisfied with their own experiences. Essentially, it’s an all around winning combination as the doula supports and builds relationship with both her client and her client’s supportive circle.

So, what exactly does this look like? Well, for some it will mean that the doula will be there to give a much needed break during labour. Leaving a loved one in the capable care of a doula can allow a tired support person to eat a quick meal, use the toilet, etc. For other support people it may mean moving from not knowing how to support, or what they can do during labour, to feeling confident and capable - knowing that they have the advice and guidance of a doula as labour progresses. And, for everyone, it means that the community of support has grown, the loving care that surrounds a labouring woman is made richer, and the team that comes alongside a first, second… or fourth (or fifth!) time mother is stronger.

A doula’s knowledge of labour and birth, and her dedication to providing caring, professional support that respects and acknowledges the differences in each family and situation, mean that not only is every client supported, but that the partner or other support person who is in the room is fully supported as well.

If you are expecting, or know someone who is, don’t miss out on the opportunity to add the support of a doula to your birth team! And if you’re in the Greater Sudbury area I hope we can meet to see if perhaps I might be the right doula for you.

Coming up next: discover the doula difference in breastfeeding outcomes for new mothers